Saturday, March 10, 2012

Should A Barber Shop have Rules and Regulations That Apply Equally follow

Now there are some that believe that everyone in the shop should follow the rules, and I agree to a point that there are some rules that should be strongly enforced in the shop where the Barbers are concerned. There are owners that Believe that because they leave at a particular time of day that that should be it. That works fine if when you are doing commission, and even then I don’t think that the Barber should be restricted.
It makes no since to hold back your colleagues if you no longer have the drive to get the people in the door, or should I say Beating down your door to get a cut.When a Barber puts in the time and energy to build his client list, and get his book full enough to be over book that is a Blessing. Why should a Barber stop doing what he does just because the owner feels he has made enough money, and yet they still want there money at the end of the week, how could he think that because his business is done at the end of the day that, his Barbers business is also, at some point the owner is being unreasonable about what he wants his Barbers to do when they are really self employed....

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